How to solve the problem of BGA short circuit due to nitrogen?

What is nitrogen, BGA? Why is there a BGA short circuit problem due to nitrogen? How to solve the problem of BGA short circuit due to nitrogen?


Nitrogen does not normally cause BGA (Ball Grid Array) shorts directly. Nitrogen is commonly used as a shielding gas in electronics soldering and fabrication to reduce the oxidising effects of oxygen on heat-sensitive parts and soldered surfaces during the soldering process. This helps to improve solder quality and reliability.


BGA is commonly used in soldering connections in electronic devices, which consists of a series of small spherical solder joints that are used to connect chips or components to a printed circuit board. While nitrogen provides some environmental protection, it does not by itself directly cause BGAs to short out. There may be other factors in the soldering process, such as soldering temperature, soldering time, soldering materials, and soldering techniques, which may lead to BGA shorts or other soldering defects.



What is “Nitrogen, BGA”?

Nitrogen is a gas molecule of the chemical element consisting of two nitrogen atoms (N), with the chemical symbol N2. It is one of the most common and stable components of the atmosphere, occupying about 78% of the air. Nitrogen is a colourless, tasteless and odourless gas at room temperature and pressure, which is inert and does not easily react with other elements or compounds.


Nitrogen is essential for living organisms and many industrial applications. In biology, nitrogen is one of the building blocks of biological molecules such as proteins, DNA and RNA in living organisms. In industry, nitrogen is widely used as an inert gas to protect and package oxidisable items against oxidation reactions. In addition, nitrogen is used in a number of industrial processes such as welding, cutting and freezing. It can also be prepared by means of industrial nitrogen generators, liquefied nitrogen and so on. Its inertness and chemical stability make it an important part of various applications.


BGA (Ball Grid Array) is an integrated circuit (IC) packaging technology that is commonly used to connect a chip to a printed circuit board (PCB).BGA packages differ from traditional forms of packaging (e.g., Dual In-line Package (DIP)) in that they connect the chip to a bottom with a series of small spherical solder joints. These small spherical solder joints are located on a metal base or substrate on the bottom of the chip to provide connection and support.



Nitrogen shorting out a BGA can lead to what?

1、Circuit failure: A shorted BGA can lead to a shorted connection in a circuit, which can affect the normal functioning of an electronic device. Circuit shorts can lead to signal interference, circuit failure, or unstable electronic device operation.


2、Reduced performance: A short circuit may cause abnormal electrical signal or power transfer between electronic components, which can reduce the performance of the device. This may manifest itself as slowing down of the device, erratic data transmission, or other functional problems.


3、Overheating and Damage: Short circuits may lead to overheating of the soldering points, triggering localised overheating or even damage to the device. Electronic devices in a short-circuit state may generate abnormal heat, increasing the risk of device damage.


4、Safety hazards: In some cases, a short circuit may pose a safety risk. If an electronic device is used in a condition where a short circuit occurs, it may cause a circuit failure that could lead to a fire or other safety issue.


Overall, a BGA short circuit may negatively affect the stability, performance, and safety of the device. Therefore, when a short circuit problem is detected, it is recommended that it be diagnosed and repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the device and to ensure that it operates properly.


Nitrogen can short-circuit BGA Why?
1、Improper soldering temperature:

If the soldering temperature is too high or too low, it may cause the solder (usually solder) to form a short circuit between the solder joints. High temperatures may cause the solder to dissolve and seep between adjacent solder joints, while low temperatures may result in an incomplete solder connection.


2、Insufficient or excessive soldering time:

Improper soldering time may also lead to short circuits. Soldering time is too short may lead to incomplete soldering, while time is too long may make the solder spread to the neighbouring solder joints, resulting in a short circuit.


3、Poor soldering quality control:

Inadequate control of the soldering process, such as inaccurate soldering equipment, inappropriate soldering flux or problems with the solder, can lead to short-circuit problems.



1、Maintain a clean environment: During BGA soldering or processing, make sure the working environment is clean to avoid dust, impurities, etc. entering the soldering area. Nitrogen is often used to reduce the effect of oxygen on the soldering process, but you need to make sure that the nitrogen is free of impurities.


2、Control the flow of nitrogen: Use a suitable nitrogen supply system to ensure that the flow of nitrogen is controlled and uniform, to avoid excessive influx of nitrogen into the soldering area to reduce the problems that may be caused.



3、Optimise soldering parameters: Ensure that the parameters of the soldering equipment are set correctly, including parameters such as temperature, soldering time and soldering pressure. Proper adjustment of these parameters can reduce the likelihood of a short circuit occurring.


4、Use shielding measures: Establish shielding measures around the soldering area to prevent nitrogen or other impurities in the external environment from entering. This may include the use of appropriate hoods or isolation devices.


5、Inspection and clean-up: Periodically inspect equipment and work areas to clean up any impurities or residues that may have accumulated. Timely detection and removal of potential problems can help avoid quality issues such as short circuits.


If a short circuit problem is encountered during the BGA soldering process, it can be resolved by re-inspecting the soldering area, cleaning up any abnormal substances, and ensuring that the solder is of good quality. Before implementing a solution, it is recommended to communicate and discuss with a professional electronics manufacturing expert or engineer for more specific advice and guidance.


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