Tortai Hailing Island Two Days One Night Tour

In order to thank our partners for their hard work, further enhance team cohesion and improve teamwork, the annual two-day and one-night (15 June – 16 June) group building activities began, destination: Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province. During this period, the administration department and the tour guide prepared various forms of group building activities and food for us, please allow me to tell you one by one.


Beach Fun Fair

Because during the activity there are trotting and multiple actions that require body coordination. So in order to ensure the safety of our partners, before the start of the activity, we carried out a cheerful and effective warm-up dance under the coach’s teaching, and with the appropriate music, warm-up site we are singing and dancing, laughing and having a good time. Relay races and … all of them are to sharpen and reflect the tacit understanding and teamwork ability between partners.


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Beach Water Gun Battle

The company has taken into account the lack of family companionship of the partners due to the work time in the organisation of this group building and tourism activities. So we kindly invited everyone to bring their family members to participate in this travel activity. Most of the partners have brought their families to spend a good time together. The beach water gun fight became a fun and passionate family time for everyone. In addition, many children’s toys were prepared for some of the babies who wanted to be free and not participate in group activities, and adult family members were also arranged to take care of them, so as to avoid the safety risks brought by underage children going to play on the beach alone.


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During the water gun battle, before the middle of the partners or a single family as a combination, or more than one family as a combination, or a combination of children’s alliance between different families for their own battle, the late stage of the beach will become a melee between all the size of the partners, the battle scene is very passionate, and even more to bring up a vat of water, the partners of seawater pouring, from head to toe. Be poured by the person but cried and laughed, and then we also reciprocate with each other, the scene is the water columns shooting all over the place. Parents can also be considered to re-experience the joy of childhood.


Beach BBQ Surprise Dinner

BBQ can be regarded as one of the top streams in the night snack world, and everyone loves it. Therefore, the company specially prepared a beach barbecue in this tour activity, and by the partners to work together, free combination, their own hands grilled food. The ingredients and toppings for the beach barbecue were provided by the beach barbecue restaurant with fresh ingredients and exclusive toppings.


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Considering that most of the partners experience their own hands for the first time barbecue, worrying that we will roast scorched or not enough fire to lead to the possibility of eating a bad stomach against the original intention of letting everyone have a good self-service barbecue experience, the company also intends to arrange a professional 20 years of barbecue experience of the master to do the technical guidance in the master’s guidance, all the partners said that there is an almost perfect self-service barbecue, hands-on experience. In the long hours of master on-site teaching and partners under the hands-on experience, the master said that all partners are also considered to become an entry-level barbecue apprentice.


Bonfire party

After the beach barbecue, followed by the beach bonfire party. The partners were first grouped freely according to the number of people, played a series of fun games, and the game PK between the groups, after the game, all the partners gathered in a circle. During the period, a partner took the initiative to act as a torchbearer to light the bonfire. As the night fell, the bonfire blazed, swallowing up the surrounding darkness, as if a fiery red superstar fell between the sandy beaches and the circle built by all the partners. Spreading warmth and light in all directions. At the same time when the bonfire was lit, music was played, and everyone danced the traditional dance of the Yi ethnic minority in China under the live teaching of the dancer. In this atmosphere, partners were able to fully relax and enjoy the moment in the process.


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Unforgettable Birthday Celebration

The travelling period coincided with the birthdays of the company’s 2nd quarter birthday celebrities, and the company also thoughtfully prepared a birthday cake for everyone as a sense of ceremony and as a carrier of wishes. Of course there were also the essential birthday gifts. And accompanied by fireworks feast. Considering that the travelling place is a long way, everyone brought a lot of luggage. For the convenience of your mates. The gifts were not brought to the travelling place. Birthday gifts were distributed after returning to the company. So the cake and wishes come first, and the gifts come later.


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Windmill Hill

You need to take a sightseeing bus to reach the halfway point of the mountain to get a good view of the windmill mountain. After that, you can continue to take a tour bus to the top of the mountain to have a beautiful view of the bottom of the mountain, and there is also a church at the top of the mountain for tourists to take photos. Due to the steep and winding road to the top of the mountain, for safety reasons, the tour bus stops about 300 metres away from the church at the top of the mountain.


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Everything was fine when we went up the mountain, the sun was shining, but there were unpredictable winds and clouds, after we finished the tour at the top of the mountain, it suddenly poured with rain, wind and rain, although we all have umbrellas, but we still could not resist the warm welcome of the wind and rain, most of our partners went to take the sightseeing bus down the mountain on the way to be poured with water, but the scenery is as beautiful as a picture, with the support of the scenery, the ordeal could not affect our mood and passion for playing. But the scenery is beautiful, with the support of the scenery, this ordeal can not affect the mood of everyone and the passion to play. We all looked at each other after the wind and rain baptism slightly lousy appearance, the sound of wind and rain mixed with each other giggle. Luckily, the storm only lasted for less than 10 minutes and the sky was clear again.


The Secret Ocean Realm

After the windmill hill, we came to the Ocean Wonderland. During the tour, we visited various types of marine life. There was a detailed introduction of the species, allowing everyone to learn while playing and learn while playing. Then there was a wonderful mermaid show. After the mermaid show, a human prince and a mermaid acted out the fairy tale of the prince and the mermaid together. That’s not all, we were still reminiscing about the Prince and the Mermaid performance, and then followed the guide to the sea lion show venue to enjoy some wonderful sea lion performance. The partners also responded to the young sea lions’ energetic performance with warm applause.


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At this point, all the activities of the 2nd day came to an end, and the tour came to a successful conclusion. After enjoying the lunch at the special restaurant, all the partners set off on their return journey. During the period, there were a lot of laughter, but also learned some valuable experience. To sum it up, we can say that it was very special, an adventure in the rain, and quite unforgettable with fresh memories.


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Finally, I wish all the Tortai family members and the 2nd quarter birthday girls peace, happiness, success and all the best. We believe that in the future, whether in work or in life, we will all get better and better and continue to work hard to make progress together as a team and contribute to the development of the company. Wish we all can have a better tomorrow and future one after another!

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